Love Dancer



Love Dancer – DJ Love Dancer

Mix Show

:: Love Dancer :: DJ Love Dancer belongs to the Dizgo Radio FM team for almost 5 years in which she has been in charge of reproducing the mixes with the music of Latin American producers and singers such as Victoria Mus And Luzan, James Nigth, Mexaxuma, Brayan Master mix, Diguimax, DJ CMX and among others in the new facet of retro music. You cannot miss their program ENERGY IN […]

:: Love Dancer ::

DJ Love Dancer belongs to the dizgoradio team for almost 5 years in which she has been in charge of reproducing the mixes with the music of Latin American producers and singers such as Victoria Mus And Luzan, James Nigth, Mexaxuma, Brayan Master mix, Diguimax, DJ CMX among others in the new facet of retro music you cannot miss their program ENERGY IN YOUR SENSES WITH DJ LOVE DANCER in their new schedules!

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